The Bittersweet Farewell: 5 Simple Strategies for Managing the Emotional Impact of Separation.

5 min readSep 14, 2024


Photo by Soso Mweendo

The marriage of my last-born daughter was unexpected. Yes, she had a boyfriend, and they were, as the saying goes, “going steady.” Why did I feel like I was drowning in feelings I wasn’t ready for?

She summoned me to her chamber. I rushed over, filled with anticipation, hoping it had something to do with her early morning job interview. But no! The thing I feared the most was upon me. I was excited for her on the one hand since they will be moving their relationship to the next level—marriage! The grief was so intense that it felt as if my heart was being torn apart.

As a parent, you know the day will come when your child will like a butterfly, flap her wings, and fly away, but nothing prepares you for the reality of it all—the silence, the emptiness, the feeling of something precious slipping away.

Lalah, this beautiful young lady, was more than just my daughter. She was not only my closest friend but also my rock during life's challenges. We grew up together in real life with a camaraderie that endured the test of time and was stronger than words. And she was beginning a new chapter now, far from me. I recognised it as a beautiful chapter in her life, and while I felt happy for her, the pain still engulfed me. I felt like I was losing a piece of myself, a role that had defined me for the past 24 years.

My grandson, the life and light of my homestead, sprung to mind as I considered the announcement’s veracity. Saying goodbye to my adorable 3-year-old grandson was the hardest part of the entire experience, and it will always be a painful memory for me. He is my true love and the glimmer of hope that gets me through the worst of times. It seemed like everything was well in the world when he called me “Gwennie” in that heightened, jovial voice of his. It was all so intriguing and full of love—his laugh was genuine and a healing balm to a troubled soul. When his little hands reached out for mine, my old heart shivered, and the way he curled up in my lap was a testament to my footprints in life. And suddenly, that priceless daily routine of joy was no more.

I’ve had insomnia ever since they moved away from home, and my thoughts run out of control as I lay awake at night. I wake up in panic, wondering if he’s okay because I hear him calling out to me in my nightmares. Is he receiving the same level of attention as I gave? Is he aware of how much I’m missing him? I'm always burdened with worry in my heart.

Without him, my house feels empty. There are no longer giggles or the pitter-patter of his tiny feet running to embrace me in the corridor. The mute is overwhelming, and I’m having trouble acclimatising to this new normal. Not only have I lost a grandson, but also the joy and purpose that came with being his Gwennie. It feels like I’m mourning something—a loss that’s hard to describe but all too real.

Coping with the Loss

We rarely discuss this kind of grief and frustration, but it’s genuine, unfiltered, and debilitating. It’s critical to identify these intimidating emotions to deal with this loss. We will accept the loss and learn coping mechanisms, especially in the face of feelings of impending despair. I’d like to invite everyone experiencing comparable losses to try these five easy strategies:

1. It’s acceptable to feel hopeless, so acknowledge your emotions. It’s acceptable to feel depressed and perhaps cry at the loss. These feelings are evidence of the love you had and the close bond you two had that will last despite your distance from one another.

2. Stay Connected: Your relationship doesn’t have to deteriorate just because your loved ones aren’t there in person. Make contact by phone, video chat, or in person. Maintaining a deep connection can be aided by seeing and hearing their faces and voices.

3. Create New Routines: Accept that life is different now, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be fulfilling. Find new activities and new joys that can fill the void. It’s not about replacing what’s lost but finding new ways to bring light into your life.

4. Seek Support: You don’t have to go through this alone. Talk to friends, family, or even a counsellor about your feelings. Sometimes, having someone listen can make a world of difference.

5. Focus on the Positive: Remember, your loved ones are starting a beautiful new chapter of their lives. Celebrate their happiness, even from afar, and remember that you’ll always be a part of their lives, no matter where they are.

A Call to Action

If you’re feeling the pain of a loved one leaving home, know that you’re not alone. This chapter in the book of life is far from easy. You don’t have to walk it alone. Reach out, find your support system, and take care of yourself in this difficult time.

Life is full of challenges, and while they can be heartbreaking, they also offer new opportunities—new ways to grow, to love, and to find indelible meaning. Challenges are opportunities disguised in pain; embrace them, savour each one of them, and embrace the opportunities they bring to your doorstep. Remember that, no matter the distance, the bond you share with your loved ones will never be broken.

This experience has shaken me to my core, but it has also shown me the incredible strength of the human heart. We can endure so much, yet still find ways to love, hope, and keep going. If you're reading this and feeling that pain, I urge you to take one small step today: reach out, find solace, and be gentle with yourself. The path ahead may appear challenging, but you don't have to go through it alone.














Professional Life Coach, Online Entrepreneur, Content Creator, mother, wife, and a student of the School of LIFE. Passionate about Change and Self Improvement.